
Schools’ gyms have been unchanged for over 100 years

2019-04-03 13:38
The basic functionalities and space planning of school gyms have been similar for more than 100 years, although there has been a lot of changes in how people do sports both at school and in leisure time. The future of school gyms is now being reformulated. Pinto and Architect Agency Kanttia 2 have joined the SmartSport Cooperative, which is leading this project. We want to be involved in developing new types of spaces and services for inspiring and fun sports!

The main partners of this project are the Federation of Finnish Sports and Health Education Teachers Liito ry and the Finnish Olympic Committee.

Read more about the project: SmartSport Cooperative’s website.

Photo: Varkaus Museum’s photo archive, A. Ahlström Oy’s collection / Ivar Ekström